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Families are the most important building block of a free nation. As the stability of the family unit declines, societies crumble. All people are created by God and are worthy of respect. Babies are included in the Declaration of Independence, just as we are, and merit life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The NEA has plagued our school system with DEI, CRT (both of which are actually racist) and gender confusion. “Gender affirming surgery” is not health care. The lie that children may have been born in the wrong body is an affront to God. Schools have no business indoctrinating our children. While this has been going on, the test scores of American students have dropped to approximately 34th place worldwide. Education must be brought back to the states and the local communities.
Parents in a free society make decisions for their minor children. Government has a duty to protect families, not destroy them.

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